In today's live broadcast, Joseph Z recounted his prophecy of August 21, 2023, where he raised some questions about the Maui fire and why the houses of all the elites in that area are still standing despite the surroundings being razed to ashes. He encourages us to always look at the small news behind the big news, and we’ll discover the real issues going on. He raised more concern about the utopian future agenda which he believes is a mechanism of control, that’ll deprive people of their freedom to live their lives as they please. Also, he revisited his broadcast of August 22, 2023, where he made more observations about the Maui fire tragedy and how technology will be used to induce climate disasters. Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: Moving on, Joseph shares a video clip revealing the agenda of the BRICS nation and their reason for excluding the US and Britain from this agenda. He also brings our attention to how the US is trying to force the gay law down the throats of most African countries in exchange for aid and monetary rewards. Again, he revisited his prophecy of August 24, where he revealed that the time of Daniel is here. Although unexplainable events will roll out one after the other, the Lord charges us not to be afraid; for he will keep us safe and deliver us from all evil. Similarly, Joseph recounted his earlier broadcast where he revealed that a red stone will rise in collision with the black stone and further cautions us to watch out as the Red Dragon will do anything possible to gain power and stay in charge. In addition, he reveals that in thirteen months there shall be a change that’ll come onto the scene which is different from what the modern world has experienced. He also exposed that the spirit of Nero will be confronted by men and women of God. He reassures us of God's promises of His light shining upon us and a wealth transfer that shall be made available only to the obedient and the fearless. Furthermore, as Joseph recounted in this broadcast, the wealth transfer of God is his provision in difficulty. Also, God promises to provide, and take care of us; for grace shall be made abundant to the humble, but the pride of man shall be resisted. He charges us not to be quick to judge but to discern what the spirit is trying to tell us; for the truth shall have its day. He charges us to embrace the word of God and pray without ceasing as the Lord will bring clarity to everything going on all over the nation. Here are the videos: August 21, 2023 August 22, 2023 August 24, 2023 Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 03:00 The Utopian Dystopian Future 08:10 Weather-Like Military Activity 10:00 China’s Economic Decline 12:58 The BRICS Nation Agenda 16:11 The US & Africa: Gay Law Drama 20:54 A Great Shaken & the Aggressive Repeat 23:23 Light in Darkness 25:26 Wealth Transfer to the Obedience 27:45 “I Will Provide”, says the Lord 32:25 The Great Terraforming is Here 36:55 Conclusion August 25, 2023 #josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #mechanismofcontrol #terraforming #mauifire #news